
Scale manifests as small, usually oval lumps, that are generally on the leaves but may also be on the stems.  They aren't usually in all the crannies of the crown or where the leaves touch the stem.  If they haven't taken over too much you can smash them with the back of a fingernail, or rub them off with a paper towel.  Usually this, along with keeping an eye out for any new ones to pop up will keep them in check.  Be sure to check the bottoms of the leaves.

For larger infestations, or as a preventative measure, add 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol to a cup of water and wipe down the entire plant, including under the leaves.

Alternatively, use a spray bottle with either insecticidal soap (a teaspoon of Dr. Bronners in a cup of water works) or horticultural oil (such as neem oil) to smother them. Make sure you spray down the whole plant, including under the leaves. 

Pests usually go after plants that are stressed for one reason or another and are often symptomatic of a deeper causal problem with the plant's environment, which is usually related to soil, light or water. Often scale will keep coming back if the environmental factors aren't addressed, so be sure to read our houseplant care guide to get your plant in just the right spot.

As with any pest problem, be sure to keep an eye out for any bugs going forward, and treat them immediately. 

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